Which Testing is performed first

Which testing is Performed First,In software Testing process it is little bit confuse that how to start Testing on AUT and in STLC which Testing is performed first.Let's discuss the same with below questions.

Which Testing is Performed First

Which Testing is performed first

In Interview room difinitely you will face this type questions,so it is very easy to answer those type of questions.

Choose the Below Options:

1. Black box testing
2. White box testing
3. Dynamic testing
4. Static testing

Above Question ANSWER is Static Testing.

What is Static Testing?

Static Testing is a type of technique by which you can verify the error or defects in software without Test Cases execution.Static testing is performed to avoid defects an early stage of development and it is easy to find sources of failures.Static testing helps to find defects that may not be found in Dynamic Testing technique.

Types of static testing techniques

There are two types of static testing techniques,those are as follows

1.Manual Examinations: Manual examinations verifies analysis of code written manually, and it is also called as REVIEWS.
2.Automated analysis using tools: Automated analysis are basically static analysis which is performed using any automation tools.

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